About Us

Experienced, Force-free, Positive Reinforcement based Trainers

Looking for the most experienced, skilled, effective dog trainers in San Diego and Southwest Riverside? Please scroll down to learn more about us, and our effective, force-free approach to dog training and behavior modification.

Our services include in-home dog obedience training, manners training, and behavior modification for a wide range of concerns (e.g. excessive fear/timidity, separation anxiety, house training, puppy nipping, on-leash aggression, aggression in the home with pets and/or people, trouble with focus/distractions, new pet introductions, leash walking, preparation for a new baby, destructive chewing, and much more! Our goal is to help you have the confident, happy, well-behaved dog of your dreams!

Wonder Dog trainers serve in San Diego and Southwest Riverside Counties.

Rachelle Heyveld

Rachelle has over 25 years of experience as a professional animal trainer and behavioral consultant. She earned an Associate of Science degree in animal training from Moorpark College’s Exotic Animal Training and Management Program.

She is a seasoned professional who draws from a wealth of experience. During her career, she has worked with a variety of exotics (wolves, cheetahs, sea lions, birds, and porcupines), and domestic animals in places like the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. She has worked in the movie/TV industry, wildlife education, service dog training, as well as LA City shelters.

Rachelle offers training and behavioral consulting for a variety of challenging concerns. She continues to expand her knowledge and has her CPDT-KA and Family Dog Mediator certifications as well as being a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

Rachelle loves working with people as well as with their dogs. She believes that training should be enjoyable for the dog and family, and to that end, she uses positive, dog-friendly training techniques. Rachelle knows how important it is to create a bond between dog and owner based on good communication, understanding, trust, and mutual respect.

Areas served: Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, Rancho Bernardo, Fallbrook, Bonsall, Temecula, and Murrieta

Kim Feinberg

Kim is a graduate of Animal Behavior College and a certified dog trainer. Since graduating from Animal Behavior College (ABC), she’s been putting her knowledge of positive reinforcement training methods to work teaching dogs and their owners how to build a relationship based on trust and mutual respect.

Kim is committed to helping dogs find and stay in their forever home. To that end, she’s spent many hours volunteering with the San Diego Humane Society and Helen Woodward Animal Society, where she helps bring out the best in each dog by teaching them focus/control, leash walking skills, basic obedience, and manners.

Kim also has extensive knowledge and experience working with adults and young adults with special needs and is skilled at teaching basic dog training skills to people with mental and physical disabilities.

Kim’s primary area of focus is private in-home training. She teaches manners and obedience and specializes in the resolution of challenging behaviors, including reactivity, fear/anxiety, jumping, barking, destructive chewing, leash walking, puppy training, and more.

Her training plans consider the needs of both the dog and the family, and she works tirelessly to ensure that no family feels the need to give up their dog due to problem behaviors.

Kim’s education, training expertise, patience, and attention to detail make her an outstanding dog trainer and behavior consultant, and she is dedicated to making training a positive and productive experience for you and your dog.

Areas served: Escondido, San Marcos, Rancho Bernardo, 4S Ranch, Poway, Mira Mesa, Scripps Ranch, Carmel Mountain, Black Mountain Ranch, and Rancho Penasquitos.

Carla Lewis

After receiving her dog training certificate from Animal Behavior College in 2008, Carla relocated to the SD area to begin her dog training career as a puppy trainer for a local breeder. Her job entailed structured training of puppies that started at eight weeks of age to be fully trained when they went to their new families. Their definition of a fully trained puppy was one that was trained to sit, stay, lie down, eliminate on command, love their crate or bed, walk on a leash nicely, and “leave it.”

She gained satisfaction from knowing that the puppies were getting a jump start on their training and manners for life with their new families.

Carla then utilized her acquired skills and knowledge to develop a puppy socialization class for young puppies, ages 10-20 weeks of age. The focus of this class was to provide a safe and positive way for people to socialize their puppies with people and dogs so they are not wary of strangers or children, be gentle with their mouths so as not to inflict serious injury to animals and people as the jaws get stronger and live in their human home without doing damage to their belongings and help them prevent separation anxiety.

Carla believes in nurturing the human-dog bond through positive reinforcement and motivation-based training. Over the past 10 years, she’s had the opportunity to work with dogs of all ages, breeds, and temperaments. She understands that every dog is unique and that what works for one dog doesn’t always work for another.

Carla carefully assesses each dog’s temperament and motivational drives (play, food, chase, praise, affection, etc.), and creates a customized training program that engages the dog’s focus and natural abilities. By customizing the training to the dog, she finds that dogs enjoy the training process more, acquire new skills quickly, and are able to retain learning from one session to the next.

Carla also understands that it’s equally important and necessary to instruct humans so that they know how to create and maintain desirable behavior in their dogs. She teaches her human students how to read their dog’s body language, and how to communicate with their dogs effectively. She also provides them with the necessary knowledge, tools, and skills so that they can live together in harmony.

Carla is an effective dog trainer who brings patience, a calm demeanor, and gentleness to all the dogs and people she meets. She teaches private lessons, puppy socialization classes, and board and train.

Areas served: San Diego and SW Riverside.

Melissa Beeson

Melissa has over ten years of experience training both domestic and exotic animals. Growing up she has always had a passion and love of animals and knew she wanted to dedicate her life to helping animals.

Melissa started on her career path while studying and interning at Hollywood Animals. While there, she began her study of animals, their behaviors, and what it takes to train large carnivores for TV and movie appearances using positive training methods.

Working in close contact with large carnivores like tigers and bears helped her to rely on her skill of reading the animal’s body language to stay safe and calm while working with some potentially dangerous animals.

Melissa moved to San Diego and began working at Helen Woodward Animal Center. As the lead education guide, she was able to share her passion for animals with kids of all ages. Melissa’s favorite thing about working at Helen Woodward was using her knowledge of dog body language to help adults and children conquer their fear of dogs by understanding dog body language and communication styles.

After working at Helen Woodward, Melissa started working at the Safari Park giving tours of the park and its behind-the-scene animal areas. While at the Safari Park, she’s also clicker-trained animals, such as New Guinea singing dogs, red river hogs, and prairie dogs, for stage presentations and tours. Melissa loved working and training the animals at the Safari Park because each animal had their own learning style, behaviors, and personality that could only be exposed by gaining their trust. Melissa uses that same principle with every dog with which she works.

In her spare time, Melissa volunteers at Judith A. Bassett Canid Education and Conservation Center, where she is the lead trainer for the foxes and New Guinea Singing Dogs. While training at JABCECC, she has learned that every animal is a unique individual and that training sometimes needs to be carefully tweaked to best meet the needs of the animal.

Melissa believes that training should be enjoyable for the trainer and for the dog. Chances are if you’re not enjoying training, your dog isn’t either. She uses positive methods that engender trust, improve communication, and make the training process enjoyable for all. Her goal is to help you better understand your canine friend and to create a healthy, respectful relationship.

Her training philosophy is twofold: to produce desired training results, and to enhance the bond between owner and dog in the process. Melissa loves dogs because they are curious, sensitive, and have a high level of emotional intelligence. As she often says: “they remind me to laugh, not to take myself so seriously, and to cherish each moment.”

Areas served: Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, Rancho Bernardo, Bonsall.

Liz Hurley

Liz has a B.A in Biology and frequently takes animal training workshops, classes, and courses to stay up to date with science-based positive reinforcement training methods. She believes training should always be positive, force-free, and fun for both dogs and humans!

She uses her background of training zookeepers to teach dog parents how to use positive reinforcement methods to help their dogs succeed. Her goal is to strengthen relationships between dogs and their families. She enjoys connecting with people to help them better understand their dog’s behavior.

Liz brings compassion, patience, and enthusiasm to all of her training sessions. She has aimed to make the world a kinder place for wild animals and is excited to do the same for dogs!

Area served: San Diego County.

Dennis Roberts

Dennis is an accomplished trainer whose focus is on teaching you and your dog all the skills needed to create peace and harmony within the family pack.

After 4 years in the Navy, Dennis decided to pursue (his passion/his dream career) as a dog trainer. He started by volunteering his time at Rancho Coastal Humane Society, where he was able to work with and care for a wide variety of dogs with different needs. He then went on to complete Petco’s instructor training program. Since then Dennis has been training dogs on a full-time basis and has never looked back.

Dennis is a well-rounded trainer who enjoys a good challenge. His areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: problem barking, destructive chewing, boundary training, leash walking, and all things related to puppyhood, including house training, potty training, play nipping, socialization, and manners.

Dennis believes that good communication between you and your dog is foundational to the health of your relationship. Understanding your dog’s likes, dislikes, fears, needs, and motivations, and being able to accurately interpret your dog’s body language, facial expressions, and vocalizations is fundamental to building a solid relationship. Likewise, it’s important for dog parents to be able to clearly communicate with their dog to avoid problems and misunderstandings.

Dennis uses gentle, effective, positive reinforcement-based methods, tools, and techniques to train and shape behavior. There are no prong collars, choke chains, or shock collars involved. He strongly encourages the whole household to participate in the training since training is just as much for the humans as it is for the dogs. It’s important that everybody is on the same page, and that there is consistency with respect to dog-human interactions.

Nothing brings Dennis more satisfaction than when a new dog parent thinks that their dog is untrainable, but quickly learns that their dog is both trainable, and a fast learner!

Dennis knows that by training the dog, and giving dog parents the knowledge and confidence they need to bring about positive change, with time and patience, even the most challenging behaviors can be overcome.

Area served: San Diego County.

Jonathan David Lopez

Jonathan is here to help you gain a better understanding of your dog. He will get to the root of all the questions you have and maybe help our dogs understand us better too, because a relationship is a two-way street. It can be a very confusing world for our furry friends, especially if they are trying to guess what to do next. Some of us can speak English and French, maybe even Spanish, but most of us cannot speak dogs. There is evidence showing that the most effective way is through rewards; so when we reward behavior that we consider desirable, it is positive reinforcement.

Jonathan uses positive reinforcement and the mirror method, incorporating a clicker. It is his philosophy that dogs look to us more like parents, so a mutually respectful relationship is essential since it fosters a desire for a dog to be on his best behavior.

We come from very different worlds, but in many instances, there are cross-associations that we can relate to. We all want to share our lives with someone caring and someone who truly loves us. Dogs want someone who cares too, someone who can lead us down the right path, someone that we can trust and always go to for answers.

Jonathan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. He is a graduate of the Dog Training Internship Academy (DTIA) in San Francisco and has earned a Certificate in Dog Training, Behavior Consultations, and Applied Behavioral Analysis. Jonathan’s most rewarding endeavor is working with dogs and dog owners. Dogs are his passion and his purpose in life. Jonathan trained under the tutelage of Janis Bradley and her academy stemming from Jean Donaldson’s academy for dog trainers at the SFSPCA. His experience with dogs began in San Francisco and continues now in Southern California. Jonathan has been training dogs for more than 9 years. He looks forward to working with you and your dog.

Areas served: Escondido, San Marcos, Rancho Bernardo, 4S Ranch, Poway, Mira Mesa, Scripps Ranch, Carmel Mountain, Black Mountain Ranch, Rancho Penasquitos, Carlsbad, Vista, Bonsall, Oceanside.

Amillie Zickmund

Throughout her career, Amillie has tried all styles and methods for training dogs. In her experience, based on her education, knowledge and mentor guidance, she has found the most success with reward based methods. This means she realizes that dogs learn best through motivators and rewards that speak to their natural instincts and biology.

Dogs live this world through their noses and their mouths. They are opportunistic predators, which means they are very observant of every little detail in every situation, and they react accordingly. Due to this, they are masters at reading our body language, feeling our energy and reacting according to how they see fit. Knowing this, we can use our natural body language to communicate with them.

Reward-based training is not all about treats. It’s about understanding what motivates our dogs and using that to teach them what we expect from them.

By doing this, we enrich their lives, fulfill their needs, and decrease the language barrier between us. This, in turn, strengthens the bond we have with them, which increases their desire to do what we ask of them.

Amillie Zickmund has been a professional dog trainer since 2013. She has worked in the dog field since 2010 as a pet care associate (4 years), a groomer’s assistant (11 total), a kennel tech (3 years) and as a daycare attendee in two daycares ( total of 4 years exp.), where she learned the most about dog to dog communication.

Throughout her life, communicating with animals has come naturally to her, and she has always been passionate about working with dogs. It wasn’t until college that this dream became a reality.

In 2013, while working at a pet store in Indiana, Amillie and her husband John got a Great Dane puppy together named Appa. Knowing his breed and future size, they started group training classes with him right away. Amillie very quickly fell in love with training and all she had learned, so when the store offered her a training position there was no hesitation. The rest as they say was HISTORY.

Throughout her career, she has worked with other amazing trainers and is constantly attending KPA Clicker Expo Workshops, and other seminars to consistently further her knowledge and education. Amillie is a CGC evaluator, a member of APDT, and is currently taking two of the IABBC certification tests: Associate Certified Dog Behavior Consultant; ACDBC, and Accredited Dog Trainer (IAABC-ADT). This fall (2022), she will be taking the exam to be CPDT-KA certified, and potentially joining Jean Donaldson’s Academy for Dog Trainers to further her never-ending education.

Amillie understands and believes that continuing education is a must when working with dogs, and she is always willing to learn and expand her knowledge! Each dog teaches her something different, and she individualizes her training plans around each of them.

Currently, Amillie’s family consists of her husband, John (who occasionally helps with their training needs), their son, Dean, (a very dog-savvy toddler who helps dogs that are fearful of children understand that kids are not always scary), their cat, Kit Kat, (who also helps many of her clients communicate correctly with another species).

Accompanying them are their two dogs: Katara, a Cattle Dog-Pyrenees mix, (who is Amillie’s most used helper dog because she communicates beautifully, and helps many dog-reactive / fearful dogs work through their fears while making new friends), and her new Great Dane puppy Heimdall, (who when fully trained will follow in Katara’s PAWsteps)!

We are so thrilled to have Amillie on our team, and she looks forward to working with you!

Area served: San Diego County

Tiffany Ferguson

As a young child, Tiffany was raised in orphanages, and did not have a traditional family to call her own. She did, however, have a great love for dogs, and they soon became her extended family. She learned at a very young age how to read dogs, how to interpret body language and vocals, and how to communicate with them in a way that few can. She developed strong, enduring bonds with her dogs built on trust and respect. It is this foundation of trust and respect upon which she developed her own unique training methods and expertise. It’s the reason that dogs respond so well to her gentle, steady hand, and well-honed skills.

Tiffany has been training dogs for more than 20 years. She knows that dogs are at their best when they have structure, balance, mental stimulation, and regular daily exercise. She gets to know each dog as an individual, and works with her clients to create a customized program best suited to the needs of her clients and their dogs. She helps her clients implement the training protocols and gives them the confidence they need to achieve their training objectives.

Tiffany has been blessed with the opportunity to work with many rescues in several states. As a canine behavior modification specialist, she has been the last fighting hope for many dogs with serious behavior concerns. Happily, due to her efforts, expertise, and commitment, many of the dogs she’s worked with over the years have found loving homes and a brand-new lease on life.

Over the past 20 years, Tiffany has carefully and methodically honed her training. She has worked with all breeds and temperaments, including dogs with high energy, high anxiety, impulsive reactivity, and aggression. She has done scent training for military dogs. She has also trained dogs to accompany wheelchair-bound individuals and to assist individuals with a variety of disabilities, including training canines for autistic kids.

Other areas of expertise include puppy training, house training, puppy socialization, leash walking, basic and advanced obedience, calm greetings, distraction proofing, home manners, new pet introductions, and much more.

Her unique background and experiences have helped Tiffany become the amazing trainer she is today: diligent, thorough, calm, focused, and effective. She sees the unique beauty and potential in every dog and taps into each dog’s natural instincts and drives to bring out what is best about them. Tiffany thrives on challenges and goes the extra mile because the transformation is always so gratifying. She looks forward to meeting you and your dog soon!

Areas served: Spring Valley and surrounding areas.

Krystin Withers

Krystin has an underlying passion for dogs that drives her dedication to continual education of breeds, behaviors, and humane training methods. She has been around dogs her entire life and loves to observe and study their body language. This has built her skill set that allows her to act as a translator, further helping people understand dogs.

Krystin was born and raised in Southern California and lived in a home where her family bred and raised Siberian Huskies. At a very young age, she began to understand how dogs think and learn.

By the age of 8, she had studied and memorized most AKC-recognized dog breeds and their respective breed groups. By the time she was 16, she had a deep understanding of dogs, and was able to successfully help friends and family members with their dog training needs, including behavior modification, basic obedience, basic manners, and all things puppy!

Krystin served four years in the US Navy, then earned her Master’s in Business Administration. She is certified through the Council of Professional Dog Trainers, Knowledge Assessed, and is a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator for the American Kennel Club.

In 2017, she decided to pursue her passion and career as a dog trainer. Now, with over 20 years of experience, Krystin has helped clients through preventative and proactive training, using the LIMA approach (least intrusive, minimally aversive), while also ensuring dogs have enrichment, exercise, and mental stimulation. She absolutely loves working with puppies, teaching agility and tricks, and working with fearful dogs. She’s a valuable resource for families with a changing dynamic (new baby, other pets, multiple dogs), and loves working with children and involving them in training. Krystin also helps with behavior modification, loose-leash walking, reactivity, and basic obedience.

Krystin believes that the best dog-human relationships include healthy boundaries, mutual respect, and bonding through engaging in fun activities and spending quality time together. She teaches you how to use specific tools and methods to help your dog reach its full potential and become the happy, confident, calm, well-mannered dog it is meant to be.

Areas served: Poway, Rancho Bernardo, Carmel Mountain, Rancho Penasquitos, 4S Ranch, Scripps Ranch, Ramona

Corrina Babiash-Clark

Corrina has always had a love for animals. Growing up in Green Bay, Wi, while her family’s pets were limited to dogs and hamsters, she was afforded the opportunity to visit relatives’ farms to ride horses and interact with several different animals. After high school, she joined the United States Marine Corps, but never abandoned her love for animals. Over the years, she shared that love of animals with her own family by caring for many different animals from birds and bunnies to lizards and hermit crabs, and of course, dogs and cats. No matter where she was stationed, she found time to volunteer at local animal organizations. Even when her duties took her overseas, she was able to foster both dogs and cats through the Okinawan American Animal Rescue Society.

As her United States Marine Corps was coming to an end after 20 years of service, she decided that training dogs and their people was what she wanted to focus on in her next chapter. She graduated from Animal Behavior College in 2011 and spent the next year getting hands-on experience training while also volunteering at the animal shelter on Camp Pendleton and a local private zoo in Fallbrook, CA.

After military retirement in 2012, Corrina earned her BA in Sociology and continued to hone her training skills by working with a variety of dogs, both big and small, on a wide range of skills from puppy training to common behavioral issues and participating in continuing education in the field of dog training.

As the owner of large dogs, Corrina is well-versed in their training but enjoys working with small-breed dogs as well. She knows from first-hand experience the importance of training in developing the relationship between a dog and their people. She believes that communication is the key to that relationship and that training both ends of the leash is a vital part of the process. Corrina welcomes and encourages all family members to participate in the training.

Corrina loves working with puppies and their puppy parents. She believes that having a “well-trained” dog is much more than just learning training cues. Understanding our puppy’s emotional and physical needs is just as important as the cues they learn. Corrina takes time to help puppy parents understand these requirements for their individual puppies so that good habits can be implemented from the very beginning.

Corrina uses positive reinforcement and motivational-based training to help both dogs and young puppies learn desirable behaviors and eliminate unwanted behaviors. She does not use prong collars, choke chains, or shock collars, but relies on understanding the individual dog’s motivation to accomplish training goals and foster trust between pet parents and their furry family members.

She provides private sessions, board and train services, and boarding services often times developing a lifelong relationship with the dogs she works with and their pet parents.

Areas served: San Diego and SW Riverside

Kylie Nichols

She has over 8 years of experience working with many different breeds of dogs, using positive reinforcement, and a variety of training methods. She is knowledgeable about proper nutrition, diet, and exercise for dogs, and is committed to helping find desired solutions.

Kylie has been a longtime dog lover, owning dogs her entire life. She has experience with many different breeds, but her favorite breed is “rescue”! Her love of dogs really took off when she began fostering for a local SoCal rescue and has personally fostered, trained, and found forever homes

for dozens of dogs. She has a soft spot for dogs with a rough past and makes sure to take the time to learn and understand their stories in order to curate a training plan that works for them.

Her experience fostering dogs fresh out of shelters or poor living situations has made her adept at desensitization, socialization, and engagement through the use of marker/clicker training. She also has a lot of experience with leash walking, reactivity, and dog body language.

Kylie has two primary objectives: to produce desired training results and to enhance the bond between owner and dog in the process. She uses positive methods that engender trust, improve communication, and make the training process enjoyable for all.

She understands that each dog is unique and special, and comes up with creative solutions to bring out their best strengths and help shape behavior.

Kylie’s education, training experience, patience, and attention to detail make her an outstanding dog trainer and behavior consultant. She is dedicated to making training a positive and productive experience for both you and your dog.

Areas Served: Poway, Rancho Penasquitos, Rancho Bernardo, Escondido, San Marcos, 4S Ranch, Scripps Ranch, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Sabre Springs, Carmel Valley, Black Mountain Ranch, Rancho Santa Fe, Fairbanks Ranch, Del Mar, La Jolla, Solana Beach, Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, North Park, Allied Gardens, San Carlos, Tierrasanta, Clairemont, Miramar, Mira Mesa, Kearny Mesa, Pacific Beach, City Heights, University City, Sorrento Valley, Hillcrest, Mission Hills, Serra Mesa, Mission Valley, College Area, Lemon Grove, Spring Valley, La Mesa, and El Cajon

Rachel Wright

Rachel has spent all her life loving animals. She grew up around dogs, cats, and horses, and has always known deep down that her passion for animals would lead her into a career that could fuel that passion. Growing up, she had wanted to become a veterinarian in order to help animals in need, but after a lot of thought and consideration about the hardships that come with being a veterinarian, she began to explore other options for a career that would allow her to work with animals.

As a teen, Rachel began working for a horse trainer who specialized in equestrian therapy. This experience sparked her interest in finding novel ways to bring animals and people together in a way that benefits them both. In large part, this interest led her to pursue a Bachelor’s in Psychology.

After graduating college, she was still unsure how to pursue her passion in the workforce.

That’s when she started researching her options and realized that she could pursue a career as a dog trainer, with a specialization in service and therapy dog training. She thought, “Huh, why didn’t this ever occur to me that this was something I could’ve pursued earlier?” This realization pushed her to investigate accredited programs that would give her the knowledge and expertise she required to become a certified trainer.

Shortly after, Rachel completed the Service and Therapy Dog Training program through the Animal Behavior Institute. She began shadowing a mentor who had over 30 years of experience training dogs and learned many LIMA-based techniques and the value of positive reinforcement training.

Rachel is an accomplished dog trainer and behavior consultant. She offers puppy training, potty training, leash training, obedience, manners, socialization, crate training, therapy dog training, and more. She is currently training her Malinois Ripley for service dog work.

Rachel aspires to continually learn and grow as a trainer and welcomes the challenge that comes with each new dog. She enjoys creating plans specifically tailored for each dog she has the pleasure of working with. She’s excited to utilize her therapy dog training skills to assist a wide range of people, including those with disabilities or special needs. She looks forward to bringing out the very best in your dog, and to helping you create a long and happy relationship.

Area served: Southwest Riverside and North County San Diego.

Paige Adams

More than half of Paige’s professional career has been spent working with and training dogs and their humans. After receiving her BA in Psychology, and working in the mental health field, she began working at the San Diego Humane Society and volunteering at the Lions, Tigers, and Bears Animal Sanctuary. Soon thereafter, she realized her true passion had four legs, and went by the name of “dog!”

Paige worked at Petco, became a Petco Certified Dog Trainer, and later graduated from the Amanda Gagnon Dog Training Apprenticeship. She was also employed as a Vet Assistant, and later as a Canine Behavior Specialist with Animal Care Centers of NYC, where she assisted with dog playgroups (to provide enrichment, and assess dog’s behavior around other dogs), conducted behavior evaluations to assess each dog’s behavior, adoptable status, and needs in a home, provided socialization, and made placement calls to potential rescues, fosters, and adopters.

As an advocate for animal welfare and awareness, Paige has a special place in her heart for rescue dogs. She worked as an Animal Caregiver for the Humane Society, where she expertly addressed behavior challenges, such as aggression and reactivity. She also used her knowledge of desensitization and counterconditioning to help anxious, fearful dogs overcome their insecurities, and become calm, confident dogs, giving these dogs a better chance of being adopted into loving homes.

Paige is CPDT-KA Certified (Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed) by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers. This certification measures a broad range of knowledge and skills in ethology, learning theory, dog training techniques, and instruction.

As a trainer and behavior consultant, Paige has been providing private, in-home lessons, group training, and board and train for many years. Her specialties include leash walking, manners, obedience, socialization, puppy basics, house training, and behavior modification for leash reactive, and fearful, anxious dogs.

She believes that training should be an enjoyable activity for dogs, and finds creative ways to keep them motivated, using force-free, positive methods. In so doing, she establishes a foundation of trust with dogs, and as a result, training progresses quickly because dogs are attentive, focused, and engaged.

Paige is committed to providing effective, safe, and humane training for every dog she has the pleasure of working with. Creating memorable milestones and happy homes is the driving force that inspires her to provide the best care and training possible.

Swetlana “Lana” Falke

During that time, she took on a variety of training and behavior-related roles and responsibilities with shelter dogs. Lana was fortunate enough to apprentice with Lindsey Lieberman, CBCC, CPDT, who was the Behavior & Training Coordinator at that time. Lana’s time as a Behavior & Training shelter volunteer gave her the opportunity to become acquainted with a wide variety of dog personalities, temperaments, and behavioral concerns, and it greatly shaped how she approaches training and behavior modification, particularly in the most challenging cases.

If you are seeking assistance with dog training or behavior modification, Lana can help you and your dog build a relationship based on trust and cooperation, without using techniques that involve intimidation or cause physical and/or emotional harm to your dog. She specializes in helping fear-reactive and/or anxious dogs and their humans. Being an owner of sensitive, fear-reactive dogs herself, she can relate to the struggles that other owners of behavior-challenged dogs experience. By sharing her knowledge and skills, and implementing individualized plans, she provides her clients and their dogs the proper tools and guidance to create positive and lasting changes.

Teaching dogs (and cats!) fun, complex tricks is also something Lana is passionate about because she found that learning tricks helped her rescue pups build confidence and strengthened the human-animal connection.

Whenever Lana is not training clients’ dogs, she pours her heart into her two shepherd mixes, Pollux and Fern, and her kitty, Antares. She’s also a certified yoga instructor and enjoys bouldering, being creative, spending time with friends, and being outdoors.

Lana believes that all dogs are precious and unique, and she works with each dog as an individual to bring out their best strengths. Her education, training experience, patience, and attention to detail make her an outstanding dog trainer and behavior consultant. Lana is dedicated to making training a positive and productive experience for both you and your dog.

Areas Served: Carlsbad, Oceanside, Bonsall, Fallbrook, Encinitas, Vista, and San Marcos

Rosa Romero

At the age of 16, Rosa began volunteering her time to assist and care for shelter dogs at the West Valley Animal Shelter in L.A. As a volunteer, she was entrusted with the socialization and exercise of the dogs in her care. While there, she also completed courses in obedience training, reactivity, and behavior modification.

Soon thereafter, she began volunteering for the Mayor of Los Angeles’ Homeless Pets Program, where she provided in-home training for a variety of concerns, including potty training, socialization, and reactivity. She also worked with the Padres Paw Squad to help prepare for games, meet and greets, and charity events.

Rosa has a wealth of experience training dogs and shaping behavior. Her expertise includes separation anxiety, leash reactivity, resource guarding, socialization, puppy raising, leash manners, basic and advanced obedience, trick training, agility training, AKC Canine Good Citizen preparation, and task training for service work. She also has a passion for helping timid or fearful dogs overcome their fears, and become calm, confident dogs.

Over the years, Rosa has learned that behavior is greatly influenced by a dog’s physical and mental well-being and that training progresses more easily when dogs are at their best. She has a great deal of knowledge about optimal dietary and nutritional needs, exercise regimens, socialization, and environmental enrichment activities.

Rosa continually works to maintain, enhance, and expand her skills and expertise in order to serve her clients and their dogs to the best of her ability.

When Rosa meets with you and your dog, she helps you define and clarify your training objectives, and then teaches you how to implement the training plan, one step at a time. She is also able to adjust training methods and techniques as needed to better suit the individual dog or situation.

She knows that clear communication between dog and owner is crucial to the training process, and believes in using body language, hand signals, and vocal tone to communicate intention.

Rosa is passionate about the human-dog bond. She cares about dogs and the people who love them and takes great pride in watching them succeed. She loves to teach people how they can enrich the lives of their dogs, deepen their bond, and create harmony and balance in the home.

Areas served: Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, Carlsbad, Fallbrook, Bonsall, Temecula, Valley Center, Oceanside, Rancho Bernardo, 4S Ranch, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Rancho Penasquitos, Black Mountain Ranch, Encinitas, Solana Beach, and Del Mar.

Scott Kevan

Scott views himself as a bridge to help connect humans and dogs to create a strong bond, strengthen their teamwork and develop a sense of harmony. He recognizes that each pup is an individual. Each with their own personality, interests, motivations and learning styles. He excels in quickly picking up how each dog learns best and what motivates them so that he an implement that information into a very customized training plan. Every single dog is different, with various life experiences and genetics, and requires a training program specifically designed to their needs and abilities. He loves getting to know each individual dog and their families and watching them grow and learn together as they build an environment that everyone can thrive in.

After starting to foster dogs many years ago, Scott discovered that many shelter dogs were repeatedly returned because of various behavioral issues and so he realized that the only chance that many of these dogs had of getting adopted successfully into a forever home was if they went through training and behavior modification. In order to help him work towards rehabilitating fosters, Scott began his formal dog training education through a combination of apprenticeships, seminars and certification through the Animal Behavior College.

Scott continued to broaden his training experience by working at a board and train facility in San Diego.. During his time there, he received additional hands-on experience, using positive reinforcement to train many different breeds of dogs, dogs from all backgrounds, and a countless number of rescue dogs who needed someone who could understand them, connect with them and work at their pace to get the best results possible.

One of Scott’s biggest joys is helping people learn to communicate with their dogs and increase the bond between them. It’s amazing to watch dogs learn and equally as amazing when people realize their dogs can be helped.

Scott also enjoys working with puppies. He know that bringing a new puppy into the family “pack” can often be overwhelming for both the puppy and the family. Integrating a puppy into a family is about managing expectations, understanding puppy behavior, training desirable behaviors and proactively preventing unwanted behaviors. Kind, consistent, and fair leadership provides structure, builds trust to guide puppies into becoming calm, confident, well-adjusted dogs.

In addition to teaching basic obedience, some of the most rewarding work comes through challenging behavior problems such as reactivity, leash pulling, resource guarding and separation anxiety.

I meet every client, both humans and dogs, on their own terms and strive to create a program with realistic expectations that is structured not only to end goals, but to the incremental steps required to achieve those goals with both positivity and fun.

Areas served: North County San Diego

Veronica Rolfe

Veronica is originally from Michigan where she grew up with a house full of dogs. She loves animals, big and small. After moving to San Diego, she got her first rescue pup, Meeko, from Mexico, and started her doggy daycare business, in part, to socialize her puppy.

Once Meeko became an adult, she brought a Great Dane, Loki, into the family pack, and they soon became fast friends. Both dogs were fortunate to grow up enjoying the company of Veronica’s daycare dogs. They got to meet dogs of all ages and breeds, and soon became a wonderful welcoming committee for regular visitors, and new dogs alike. They romp and play, and have the time of their lives.

Veronica has been offering in-home daycare and boarding as her full-time business for 3 years. She is CPR certified, has 10 years of experience handling and training dogs in basic commands, and has been helping dogs and puppies become their best selves ever since.

She loves hiking and taking dogs with her that would benefit from hikes, exercise, and the great outdoors. She does daily walks through her neighborhood with her husband, kids, their dogs, and boarding dogs.

Her home is set up with dogs in mind and revolves around their needs. She has everything they need, including beds, bowls, and toys, and she goes out of her way to make sure they are comfortable and happy in her care.

Her clients love her passion for their dogs, and her devotion to always being there for them when needed. She is available 24/7 for her clients and their dogs, and loves her regulars so much that she views them as her own dogs. She has 2 children, ages 8 and 9, who have grown up with dogs and love showering them with love, attention, and lots of playtime.

Veronica welcomes every breed, age, and size of dog into her home. She loves learning each dog’s specific needs, and does whatever she can to make them comfortable. She realizes that some dogs love to play and romp all day, but that others do not. She also considers a dog’s size and temperament and creates appropriate play groups for each dog, so that they are all able to coexist happily and comfortably.

When in public Veronica receives lots of compliments from passersby on how well trained and behaved her dogs are. She understands the importance of a well-trained dog and works diligently to make certain that your dog’s manners and training are also maintained.

Attention to each dog’s individual needs is her biggest strength. She loves meeting new dogs, getting to know their personalities, and making each dog’s stay extra special. Veronica sends out daily photo and text updates and is always reachable for check-ins. She prides herself in giving your dogs the best care possible. She keeps a clean home and relaxing environment.

Veronica’s hope is for you to have peace of mind, knowing your dog is in the best hands possible, and is having a fantastic time. Dog parents often comment to her that they know their dogs loved their stay because their dogs are so overjoyed when they realize they get to visit again!

Areas served: Tierrasanta, Kearny Mesa, Mira Mesa, Poway, Lakeside, El Cajon, Hillcrest, Santee, Clairemont, Mission Valley, La Jolla, Mission Beach, Pacific Beach, Coronado, Chula Vista, National City, and more

Julianne Duran

Juli has a love and passion for dogs and their whole being. She has a positive “do-with” approach and believes in the cooperative relationship between owners and their dogs to achieve mutually beneficial results, while simultaneously enhancing and strengthening their relationship.

She believes in continually educating herself to provide better training/results for both the dog and the owner. Juli is a Certified Dog Trainer through CATCH Canine Trainers Academy. She is also a member of APDT and is certified through Pet Tech in CPR and First Aid.

In her quest for more knowledge, Juli completed Suzanne Clothier’s Relationship Centered Training Workshop. In addition, Juli was a student and mock client at Bergin College of Canine Studies, a highly regarded college with a mission of advancing the human-canine partnership through research and education. Juli’s focus was learning how to work with service dogs. She considers this one of the best experiences of her life, giving her firsthand knowledge of the service dog partnership.

Juli has a heart for dogs in the shelter and knows that every dog is deserving of a happy, loving home. She volunteers with an elite group of dog walkers and provides enrichment for the dogs in the shelter (in the form of games and activities) to prevent and reduce boredom, anxiety, and stress while stimulating their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Juli recently adopted her dog, Cody, an Australian Cattle-Beagle mix, from the local shelter. When she first brought Cody into her life, he was riddled with fear and anxiety because he hadn’t been properly socialized. However, after living with Juli, all of that changed. With Juli’s expert care, training, and gentle guidance, within the span of just 4 months, Cody became noticeably calmer and more confident in new situations.

She gave Cody the stability and support he needed by earning his trust, using clear, consistent communication, and implementing force-free, positive reinforcement-based training methods. The transformation has been astounding! Today, Cody is the happy, calm, confident dog she always hoped for. Helping Cody overcome his fears and anxiety has been a transformative experience for Juli too! She has learned as much from Cody as he has learned from her.

Juli volunteered at Guide Dogs of America, a service dog organization that breeds, raises, and trains guide dogs for individuals who are blind/visually impaired, and service dogs for veterans, and children with autism. At Guide Dogs of America, Juli helped raise puppies in her home. She enjoyed raising service dogs and spent countless hours bonding with them, socializing them, training them, and taking them on public outings with her Labrador retriever, Dessa.

She also volunteered her time in the administrative department, but soon realized that she wanted to be hands on with the dogs. She then volunteered as a kennel assistant for dogs in boarding or training. She was also a volunteer for the Head Start Puppy Program, where very young 4 – 7-week-old puppies had some of their first interactions with people, encountered new experiences, and were exposed to new sights and sounds in a safe environment.

In addition to trick training, AKC Good Citizen classes, nose work, and agility, Juli participated in Flyball competition on the All-American Racers Team with her rescue dog, Daisy. In addition to having a lot of fun with Daisy, Juli was astounded to learn what Daisy was capable of learning and doing. In fact, all of Juli’s dogs have amazed her in their own unique way, and she’s learned that each of her dogs has their own special strengths and natural abilities,

Juli is a member and volunteer for the Pet Partners Therapy Pet Program. Pet Partners’ mission is to improve human health and well-being through the human-animal bond. To this end, volunteers and their pets visit hospitals, colleges, and workplaces to ease the stress of others. Juli and her rescue dog, Jumbo, a 100-lb Lab, offer therapy visits to people from 5 years to more than 100 years of age.

Juli works well with all ages, sizes, and breeds of dogs. She enjoys teaching leash walking, home manners, socialization skills, house training, and enrichment, and helping dogs overcome a wide range of challenging behaviors, including leash reactivity, jumping, barking, chewing, and digging.

Juli is committed to helping dog owners bring out the best in their dogs by tapping into their dog’s natural strengths and capabilities. She utilizes her knowledge and skills to help dogs and owners build a solid, enduring bond so that they can live their best life together, and she looks forward to helping you and your dog overcome any challenges you are currently experiencing so that you can enjoy more harmony in your home.

Areas served: Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, Murrieta, Menifee, and Temecula

Missy Lipinski

Missy has loved animals, with a special fondness for dogs, for as long as she can remember. She originally started out as a client of Wonder Dogs when she got her puppy, Jupiter, in 2018. At that time, she sought help to work on basic obedience and dog-dog introductions, and in so doing, was inspired to become a trainer herself.

Missy began her animal career working at shelters and doggy daycares, where she was able to learn canine body language and behavior. She graduated from Animal Behavior College’s Dog Trainer Certification Program in 2020, and soon thereafter, became a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). Now she puts her experience, knowledge, and education to good use as a Wonder Dog trainer and behavior consultant.

To this day, Missy continues her education and is currently working towards her CPDT-KA certification. She stays up-to-date on the latest science-based training methods practiced by the most respected and knowledgeable canine trainers, teachers, and behaviorists.

Missy is dedicated to using positive reinforcement and force-free, non-aversive training methods, tools, tips, and tricks. She wholeheartedly believes that it is never necessary to use a heavy hand with any dog or breed, and she strives to make training fun and enjoyable for everyone involved (dogs and people).

Missy knows how to teach the basics including, but not limited to: Sit, Down, Come, Loose Leash Walking, Stay, Focus, Placing, Potty Training, Leave-it, Drop-it, and so much more! She specializes in dog behavior and body language and utilizes her knowledge to tackle such situations as Jumping, Nipping, Frustrated Greetings, Barking, Leash Reactivity, Resource Guarding, and Separation Anxiety.

Whether your dog needs a tune-up, the basics, or a total behavior overhaul, Missy is there to help! Missy knows that the foundation of all training begins by first establishing a relationship with your dog based on trust and mutual respect. She teaches you how to accurately interpret your dog’s motivations and behavior, and how to clearly, consistently, and compassionately communicate with your dog to meet your training and behavior objectives. She is dedicated to your success and will work with you and your dog to create the best outcome possible.

When she’s not being a “dog nerd”, Missy spends her free time being a self-proclaimed “regular nerd”; playing Dungeons and Dragons with her friends and boyfriend, Neil. She is also an amateur character rug tufter, avid video and board game player, and novice Lego collector.

Areas served: San Marcos, Escondido, Vista, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Bonsall, Fallbrook, Valley Center, Carmel Valley, Del Mar, Encinitas, Solana Beach, 4S Ranch, Black Mountain Ranch, Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Penasquitos, Carmel Mountain Ranch, and Sabre Springs

Emily Beltran

Emily has always had two great loves in her life: animals and art. In 2008, she began volunteering with a greyhound rescue in Florida, and any trepidation she had about which career path to choose was quickly washed away. Since then, Emily has dedicated her life to animal welfare, earning a Bachelor’s degree in psychology (with an emphasis in behavior modification), her CPDT-KA (certified canine professional Dog trainer, knowledge assessed), Fear Free certification, with the intent to use that knowledge to help people and their animals build a shared language and stronger, more harmonious relationships.

Emily follows the least intrusive minimally aversive training philosophy and adheres to methods that are scientifically proven to create stronger behaviors/relationships and the least amount of fear, stress, and anxiety possible for both pet and guardian/owner.

Over the past 16 years, Emily has continued working toward her goals while working for some of the best animal welfare organizations in the country (the Oregon Humane Society and the San Diego Humane Society) to train staff, volunteers, foster parents, and adopters how to better understand and work with the dogs they care for. While continuing to further her own knowledge and skills to better serve animals and their people, Emily has focused on building and improving Behavior Foster training programs to offer animals that struggle in the shelter environment increased opportunities to thrive and transition toward adoption.

Most recently, Emily worked at one of the only Behavior Modification Programs in the country (at the San Diego Humane society) where she created and implemented behavior modification plans for an average of 10 canines and 6 felines at a time (some of whom had never been touched before) to help them prepare for adoption and address common behaviors that negatively impacted their chances of adoption (I.e., mouthing, jumping, barking, pulling on leash, “stranger danger,” etc.)

Emily specializes in helping pets improve impulse control and better coping mechanisms for arousal (reducing behaviors such as barking/lunging on leash, inappropriate greeting, etc.), and building confidence, trust and mutually respectful relationships with shy/fearful dogs and cats (addressing behaviors such as excessive barking, growling, aggression and more).

With experience in formal behavior modification as well as teaching obedience classes and private lessons, Emily is able to untangle your frustrations and your dog’s needs to arm you with the skills and solutions that will provide all members of the household with greater peace, comfort and trust. These solutions are created through positive methods such as play, access to choice, food and physical affection, and so much more to make training fun for you *and* your dog.

Areas served: North Park, Spring Valley, Hillcrest, La Mesa, El Cajon, Santee, Lakeside, Oak Park, Serra Mesa, Del Cerro, Tierrasanta, Allied Gardens, San Carlos, Mission Valley, Linda Vista, Kearny Mesa, Sorrento Valley, Clairemont, Miramar, Mira Mesa, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch, Coronado, Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, Pt. Loma, La Jolla, and Del Mar

Keira Moore

Keira is a long-time teacher who loves working with dogs just as much as she loves working with their humans. As much as she enjoys teaching, she enjoys learning as well. Keira holds a Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis from Western New England University, and is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral Level (BCBA-D), as well as a proud graduate of the Karen Pryor Academy for dog trainers (KPA-CTP).

Keira’s goal is to create happy and harmonious relationships between dogs and their humans, where everyone is thriving. She draws on two decades of experience as a human behavior analyst, specializing in working with individuals with special needs and severe behavior problems.

Keira believes in compassionate, ethical dog training, making sure that both the dog’s and their human’s needs are met. She is a fear-free, force-free trainer. She knows that the most effective way to achieve long-term results is through positive reinforcement-based training strategies. Her training methods help dog parents achieve amazing results, bring out the best in their dogs, and foster positive relationships with their dogs based on trust and mutual respect.

As part of every training program, Keira teaches dogs and humans to “speak the same language.” She understands that clear communication between humans and dogs is essential in order to avoid confusion. She teaches dog parents how to correctly interpret their dog’s body language, actions, and behavior, and gives her clients the knowledge and skills they need to clearly communicate their intentions to their dog.

Her range of skills and abilities is impressive! In addition to teaching basic manners and foundational skills, Keira addresses multiple challenging behaviors, including barking, jumping, and destructive chewing. She especially enjoys working with reactive dogs, resolving separation anxiety, and helping timid/fearful dogs gain confidence. She also enjoys working with service dog teams.

Keira goes out of her way to make training rewarding for everyone! If you’re looking to have some fun with your dog, enhance your bond, and build your dog’s confidence, trick training can do wonders! Keira loves trick training. Her own dog, Frida Pawlo is a certified Trick Dog Champion! Check outKeira’s YouTube channel here

Keira is committed to ensuring happy, healthy relationships between dogs and their owners. She customizes her training and works with each dog as an individual to bring out their best strengths. She looks forward to working with you and your dog to help you attain your training objectives and is dedicated to making training a positive and productive experience.

Areas served: Escondido, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Rancho Penasquitos, 4S Ranch, Valley Center, San Marcos

Peter Gross

Peter’s journey into the world of dog training was paved by his extensive experience in search and rescue. With a recent retirement from a distinguished career in the fire service, a significant portion of that time was dedicated to training and handling search dogs. During this time, Peter had done all of the training to become FEMA certified and deployable as a disaster canine handler with his Border Collie, Angus. It was during these years that Peter got the “training bug” while training with some very knowledgeable force-free trainers, he began to develop into a skillful dog trainer. Peter furthered his experience while working as the canine training lead for the search and rescue task force, California Task Force 3 for over 4 years. During his last years at the San Francisco Fire Department, Peter was instrumental in creating the Canine Urban Search and Rescue Group that is a valued part of disaster response today for the SFFD and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Dog behavior seemed like a natural path when considering a 2nd career. Peter enrolled and graduated, earning a Certificate in Training and Counseling from The Academy for Dog Trainers, a 2-year comprehensive program on animal learning, behavior modification and client counseling. Through this program, Peter has committed himself to fear & force free dog training. “I am dedicated to humane, evidence-based training principles that focus on positive reinforcement and building trust. I do not use techniques that rely on fear, pain, force or intimidation.” His approach to dog training reflects this understanding that dogs learn best when they aren’t stressed and when they are having fun. Peter stays current on evidence-based training techniques and receives continued education through membership with The Pet Professional Guild.

Peter’s training philosophy is rooted in patience, empathy, and a profound appreciation for the incredible potential that dogs possess. He’s excited to share his knowledge and expertise with dog owners, helping them create stronger, more rewarding relationships with their beloved pets. Recognizing that our pets are integral members of our families, Peter is passionate about fostering meaningful relationships with them. “I’m committed to helping both dogs and their human companions achieve a deeper bond through effective training techniques,” Peter says. He firmly believes that the key to a harmonious connection with our furry companions lies in effective training and understanding their unique needs. If you’re looking to strengthen the connection with your canine companion and explore effective training methods, Peter is here to guide you on this incredible journey.

If you’re looking to strengthen the connection with your canine companion and explore effective training methods, Peter is here to guide you on this journey. He is qualified to address most all of your dog’s behavior concerns including, but not limited to anxiety, fear, dog-dog reactivity, dog-human reactivity, house training, resource guarding, and leash reactivity. The behaviors that he enjoys training the most are basic manners like not jumping on people, loose-leash walking, staying in one spot, and having the dog go to its bed on cue. Peter says, “teaching a dog a reliable recall or coming when called can be very rewarding for everyone because it can allow the dog new off-leash opportunities and provides the client with a sense of comfort and degree of safety.” These are the kinds of behaviors that improve everyone’s lives.

Peter loves living in North County where he shares a home with his wife and daughter and their Golden-doodle, Archie. They love taking Archie on adventures to the beach and hiking trails.

I am dedicated to humane, science-based training principles that focus on positive reinforcement and building trust. I do not use equipment or techniques that rely on fear, pain, force or intimidation.

Using a rewards-based approach rooted in the science of animal learning means you can effectively address behavior issues while building a supportive partnership with your dog.

Your dog learns skills and trust. You learn to truly understand your dog.

Areas served: Oceanside, Bonsall, Carlsbad, Vista, Fallbrook, Encinitas, Solana Beach, and Del Mar

Anna Ashmore

Anna has always had a strong love and natural affinity for dogs, and her bond with dogs only grew as she got older. Her fascination with both human and animal behavior led her to pursue her passions. In addition to having a degree in Behavioral Psychology, she is also a proud graduate of Animal Behavior College, and a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator for the American Kennel Club.

Anna has over a decade of experience as a professional dog trainer. She began her career as a private dog trainer more than 10 years ago. She also worked as PetSmart for 8 years where she helped hundreds of dogs and owners achieve their training goals and build a strong foundation based on trust and mutual respect. For the last two and a half years, Anna has worked at the San Diego Humane Society as a Humane Law Enforcement Officer.

Her training expertise includes (but is not limited to): obedience training (puppy through advanced), tricks, agility, behavior modification, including dog reactivity (dog-to-dog, dog-to-humans), resource guarding, separation anxiety, and training for the Public Access Test.

Anna has worked with dogs of all breeds, ages, and temperaments. She understands that every dog is unique and that what works for one dog may not work for another. She uses her experience and education to assess each dog and find out what drives them (treats, praise, toys, affection) so that she can create a customized training plan. When Anna meets with you and your dog, she helps you define and clarify your training objectives, and then teaches you how to implement the training plan one step at a time. She is also able to adjust training methods and techniques, as needed, to better suit the individual dog or situation.

Anna’s goal is to foster stronger, long-lasting bonds between dogs and their owners using positive reinforcement. She teaches owners that positive reinforcement is not just about using rewards to get a dog to listen. It’s about building a lasting relationship and working as a team; not forcing the dog to respond out of fear of punishment.

She wants owners and their dogs to enjoy training! She knows if they aren’t enjoying or engaging with the training, neither will be successful. She uses her experience and passion for dogs to help dogs and owners better understand each other, build trust, attain their training objectives, and enhance their relationship.

Area Served: San Diego

Veronique (Nikki) Vanderbeke

Nikki is a dedicated and experienced dog trainer with over 12 years of expertise in helping dogs and their owners achieve happier, more harmonious lives together. Her passion for dog training is rooted in her love for dogs and a deep understanding of canine behavior. Over the past 12 years, Nikki has honed her skills across various aspects of dog training, specializing in addressing fear, anxiety, leash reactivity, separation anxiety, loose leash walking, and resource guarding.

For the past 9 years, Nikki has also focused on agility training, where she has developed a reputation for excellence. She believes that agility is not just about winning ribbons but about building a strong bond between dogs and their owners. Because dog ownership should be a joyful experience for both dogs and their owners.

Nikki’s training philosophy is grounded in a science-based, whole-dog approach. She takes into account the dog’s breed (or breed mix), home environment, and the specific goals of the owner to create customized training plans that are both realistic and effective. She uses only positive reinforcement techniques, ensuring that every dog is set up for success while respecting their individual needs and learning style.

Committed to continuous learning, Nikki regularly attends dog training seminars (including behavior modification for resource guarding and dog aggression) to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and advancements in the field. This dedication to education, combined with her extensive experience, allows her to offer the most effective solutions for the dogs and owners she works with.

Having been privileged to share her life with all kinds of strong-willed herding dogs, she understands that having a dog as a part of your family can be challenging at times. Nikki is dedicated to resolving these challenges, and bringing joy and harmony back into the lives of both dogs and their owners.

Nikki’s ultimate goal is to improve the lives of the dogs and owners she helps. She takes pride in guiding owners to understand their dogs better, fostering clear communication, and building strong, trusting relationships.

Her work not only resolves challenging behavior issues, but also strengthens the bond between dogs and their owners, leading to happier, more fulfilling lives for both.

Areas served: San Marcos, Escondido, Vista, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Bonsall, Leucadia, and Encinitas

Mel Reichek

Mel is a dog trainer and behavior consultant. She listens first, then works with you collaboratively to provide practical, positive solutions that are tailored to work for your individual dog and situation. Her calling is to help dogs and humans live happier lives together.

Mel regularly works with a wide range of breeds and temperaments, and is skilled at complex behavior modification for fear, anxiety issues, and reactivity as well as life skills and manners, puppy development, and Canine Good Citizen prep (for Therapy and Service Dog). She holds certifications in Separation Anxiety and Service Dog Training.

Prior to working with Wonder Dog, Mel owned Dogpanion LLC, and before that, she worked with several facilities to provide high quality services including group classes, private lessons, behavior modification programs, and day training.

Mel lives in San Diego with her partner and their 2 Beagles, Tucker, and Duncan. In her off time, she also likes hiking, traveling, and anything and everything that has to do with the arts.

Mel’s education, experience, patience, commitment, and attention to detail make her an outstanding dog trainer and behavior consultant. She is dedicated to making training a positive and productive experience for you and your dog, and looks forward to helping you attain your training objectives.

Areas served: Encinitas, Rancho Santa Fe, Fairbanks Ranch, Carmel Valley, Rancho Penasquitos, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Black Mountain, Sabre Springs, 4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo, Solana Beach, Mira Mesa, Del Mar, Poway, Scripps Ranch, Miramar, Tierrasanta, La Jolla, Pacific Beach, Kearny Mesa, Clairemont, La Mesa, Allied Gardens, Serra Mesa, El Cajon, Mission Valley, and Coronado

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