Dog Day Training

We Train Your Dog in Your Home While You Work

Working 10-hour days? No time to train your dog? No problem! Our dog day training program can help!

We’ll come to your home, train your dog, and then teach you how to implement and maintain your dog’s newfound skills and behavior, so that your dog responds to you and other family members!

We’ll even keep you up-to-date with short video clips, so that you can see how well your dog is progressing. We can work with your dog whether you’re home, or working outside your home!

Dog Day Training is a Great Option for People with Busy Schedules

Enjoy a well-behaved, obedient, friendly puppy or adult dog without having to attend classes or do all the work yourself!

This program is the perfect solution for young, energetic, not-yet-house-trained puppies, or for adult dogs that need basic obedience skills or leash training.

Programs May be Customized for Your Dog’s Individual Needs

Training may include core obedience skills, such as leash walking, sit, down, wait, come, attention training, fetch, and greeting manners. We can also focus on puppy issues, such as mouthing, chewing, nipping, and house training. We can even teach your dog how to behave nicely in your home!

Dog day training is the perfect choice for young puppies or adult dogs that need better leash walking skills and home manners.

However, this program is not appropriate for dogs that demonstrate separation anxiety or aggression towards people or dogs. If your dog is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, is fearful, growling, barking excessively, lunging, or snarling at others (on or off leash), please consider private in-home instruction. For puppy training or leash training options, we also offer several board and train programs.

We Offer 4 Programs, Each With Their Own Unique Focus

All dog day training programs start with an in-home evaluation and consultation so that we can meet you and your dog and find out specifically what you want us to focus on during our training sessions. We train your dog during the week, and at the end of each week, we meet with you to demonstrate your dog’s new skills and transition the training to you!

The fee for the in-home evaluation is $150 and requires one hour. There is also a $40 evaluation fee for each additional dog in the home that requires training.

The purpose of the evaluation is to learn more about you and your dog(s). We need to observe your dog in his home environment, gather input from you and your family, fully understand your training objectives, and take a complete history prior to recommending any training package.

Loose Leash Training $695

Program Focus:

The focus of this program is to teach your dog how to walk nicely on leash without pulling, which translates into a pleasant and enjoyable walk for both of you. No more pitting your strength against your dog! You will finally have the control you need.

In addition, your dog will learn how to remain by your side (and only one side of you), which makes taking him on a walk a safer experience for both of you. He will also learn to pay better attention to you in the presence of distractions and to wait politely for your cue when exiting the home or crossing streets.Extra sessions may be added as desired.

Please Note:The program is not designed for dogs that are aggressive or reactive on a leash.

This Program Includes:
  • Six 45-minute dog and trainer sessions (over a 2-3 week period)
  • Three 45-minute training sessions for owner, trainer, and dog
  • Option to add more trainer/dog sessions as needed
  • Suggestions for optimal walking equipment
  • Written materials for your review
Skills Taught:
  • Loose leash walking
  • Sit
  • Watch
  • Auto sit at curbs
  • Greeting manners on walks
  • Wait politely at the door

All obedience training and behavior modification requires ongoing training, management, consistency from all family members, and proper implementation of the training plan in order for the dog to be successful.

Obedience / Home Manners (2-wks) $1175

Program Focus:

In this program, your dog will learn and/or practice core obedience skills, and will learn how to behave nicely in your home.

Customize your dog’s learning by choosing one additional obedience behavior from the list of available options and one home behavior from the list of available options.

Upon completion, additional weeks may be added at a rate of $495. Each additional week includes: four 60-minute trainer and dog sessions, and one session which includes the owner, trainer, and dog.

This Program Includes:
  • Eight 60-minute in-home, customized, trainer and dog sessions (four per week)
  • Three 60-minute training sessions which include the owner, trainer, and dog
  • Suggestions for equipment, training tools, mental stimulation, socialization, and exercise
  • Videos and Photos
  • Written materials for your review
Please Choose One of the Following:
  • Calm Behavior in the Home
  • House Training / Crate Training Jump Start
  • Polite Behavior at the Door, Gates, and at Meal Time
  • Address Puppy Play Nipping and Mouthing
Core Obedience Skills Taught:
  • Leash walking
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Watch
  • Wait
  • Come
Please Choose One of the Following:
  • Fetch
  • Auto Sit on Walks
  • Go to Place/Bed
  • Crate Training
  • Drop it
  • Leave it

Please note that puppy house training may not be fully completed within the training period.

All obedience training and behavior modification requires ongoing training, management, consistency from all family members, and proper implementation of the training plan in order for the dog to be successful.

Puppy Preschool (2-wks) $1695

Program Focus

The focus of this program is the development of positive behaviors in puppies and the prevention of unwanted or dangerous habits.

During our sessions, we provide constant supervision and management. We also provide direction and redirection, safe socialization opportunities, and give your puppy a jumpstart on potty training and crate training.

Upon completion, additional weeks may be added at a rate of $750. Each additional week includes five 90-minute trainer and dog sessions, and one session which includes the owner, trainer, and dog.

This Program Includes:
  • Ten 90-minute, in-home, customized, trainer and dog sessions (five per week)
  • Three 60-minute sessions, which include owner, trainer, and dog
  • Suggestions for equipment, training tools, mental stimulation, socialization, and exercise
  • Videos and photos
  • Written materials for your review
Skills taught:
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Watch
  • Target
  • Come
  • Wait
  • Drop It or Leave It
  • Address Puppy Play Nipping/Mouthing
  • Direct Puppy to Appropriate Chew Toys
  • House Training Jump Start
  • Safe Socialization with Dogs, People, New Environments
  • Introduction to Walking Equipment (leash, collar, harness)

Please note that puppy house training may not be fully completed within the training period.

All obedience training and behavior modification requires ongoing training, management, consistency from all family members, and proper implementation of the training plan in order for the dog to be successful.

In-Home Tutor (2-wks) $2150

Program Focus:

The prevention and elimination of unwanted/undesirable behaviors, including home-based behavioral concerns. During our sessions, we provide constant supervision and management, direction and redirection, ongoing instruction, and behavior modification.

This program is a great option for people with no time, people who need pet sitting, day care, and training for their dogs, and for those who are disabled. It is also the perfect option for dogs that have ongoing behavioral concerns (i.e. barking, play nipping, chewing, etc.)

Upon completion, additional weeks may be added at a rate of $865. Each additional week includes two hours of care and training daily, five days per week, and one session for the owner, trainer, and dog.

This Program Includes:
  • Suggestions for equipment, training tools, mental stimulation, socialization, and exercise
  • Training and review of the core obedience skills
  • Daily care, feeding, and exercise for your dog
  • Four 60-minute follow up sessions for the owner, trainer, and dog
  • Two hours of care and training daily/five days per week for two weeks (while you work); additional hours may be added as needed
  • Up to two behavioral concerns of your choice
  • One additional obedience behavior of your choice
  • Videos and photos
  • Written Materials for your review
Your Dog’s Daily Regimen Includes:
  • One 30-minute walk/play time for your dog
  • Meals as needed
  • Breaks as needed
  • Waste pickup
  • Review of basic commands (sit, down, watch, come, wait, leash walking)
  • Waiting politely for food, doors, and gates
Core Obedience Skills Taught:
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Watch
  • Wait
  • Loose Leash Walking
  • Come
Please Choose One of the Following:
  • Target
  • Go to Place/Bed
  • Crate Training
  • Leave It
  • Drop It
  • Fetch
  • Tricks and Games
Behaviors to Address (prevent/modify):
  • Choose up to two of the following behavioral concerns from the list:
  • House Training Jump Start
  • Puppy Socialization
  • Puppy Mouthing and Play Nipping
  • Management and Prevention of Destructive Chewing
  • Digging in the Yard
  • Excessive Alert Barking
  • New Pet Introductions
  • Sofa Etiquette
  • Calm Behavior in the Home
  • Door Darting
  • Counter Surfing
  • Garbage Raiding

Please note that puppy house training may not be fully completed within the training period.

All obedience training and behavior modification requires ongoing training, management, consistency from all family members, and proper implementation of the training plan in order for the dog to be successful.

Maintenance Training and Distraction Proofing (Use It or Lose It!)

Program Focus

Practice makes perfect! For obedience training and behavior modification to be successful, your dog requires proper implementation of the training plan, in addition to ongoing training, management, and consistency from all family members.

Help Fido stay on course, refine and improve existing behaviors, work on attention, focus, and follow through in busy environments, and take training to the next level!

Our trainers come to your home and work one-on-one with your dog while you are away. Arrange training sessions in your home as many times per week or month as you wish. We recommend a minimum of once or twice per week for maximum benefits.

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